Friday 27 December 2013

World Space Travel

There are a number of mods and DLC's for all tiles even that require you to travel from the base world-space to the modded or expansion landscape. In Oblivion you need to travel to the middle of the bay by Bravil, enter the door, then travel, Dragonborn you have to travel via boat and potentially pay. Moonpath to Elsweyr you are sort of stuck there till you are done, Falskaar you have to pay 500 gold there and back. I think the modders and Bethesda did a great job with the expansions, but I was never happy with the freedom to go "back home" so to speak. I have completed the method for travel between world spaces for Summerset and am quite happy with the result. My goal was to make it so I did not feel trapped or that I had to shell out money each time I wanted to visit. I will not spoil the technique though. Just an update to share that world-space travel is complete.


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